Enough said...
Not too disappointed that I'm not pregnant, but gutted that my luteal phase was only 9 days. Hopefully just a blip from all the stress.
Enough said...
Not too disappointed that I'm not pregnant, but gutted that my luteal phase was only 9 days. Hopefully just a blip from all the stress.
Another middling temp... 36.4
And the rather odd feeling of not being able to identify any symptoms at all to tick on Fertility Friend... Except spotting of course.
That'll be 9dpo then.
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So this month is probably out already. I'll try to post my chart at some point tomorrow, but we're getting ready to move house and have barely managed to sleep in the same room at the same time, and that's pretty obvious from the chart. I don't have crosshairs yet, but I reckon we hit O-3 at best.
On the bright side, I suppose if by some miracle I fall pregnant, we can be pretty sure of the date of conception!
I hate this time of the month. I was 12dpo this morning and due to my naturally short and now lengthened but unstable luteal phase, I really have no idea when my period is due. Anywhere between 8 and 13 days is normal.
I tested this morning on my "official" test date and got bfn. Disappointing, especially as the spotting I've had the last few days has stopped. I was also so nauseous that I was actually sick last night, and dell asleep on the sofa at about 830. In fact Mr couldn't wake me, and I didn't stir til 730 this morning!
So I think I might be coming down with something... Am so fed up - if I'm going to feel this rubbish, give me the pregnancy to go with it!
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(C) Pregnantish. All rights reserved |
My temp dropped slightly yesterday and down to my normal 36.2 today. I knew it was likely to as I've taken my temp before bed the last couple of nights and it seems to be about half a degree lower than my morning temp. Last night it was 35.6.
This morning I woke up with cramps that are unmistakeable. I'm almost relieved, as I felt pretty certain I wasn't pregnant after yesterday's test, making a long luteal phase pretty redundant.
13 days is already my longest luteal phase ever, so I'd just like to get on with the next cycle now.
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(C) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
I am lying in bed, no.1 still asleep next to me. Trying to get up the guts to go and test and steeling myself for another negative.
It's no wonder we all feel nauseous this time of the month!
(C) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
I thought I was coping ok with my little ttc holiday. I've continued to temp, but I haven't used opks and there have been days where I have forgotten to temp, which was rather nice. I haven't been on the forums and I'm feeling pretty calm. The babydancing (or fancy free sex, as I'd like to think of it...) has been more frequent, which is a bonus too.
Until this morning. When I discovered eggwhite cm and lots of it. Combined with the temp drop this morning and the fact it's day 17, it looks like ovulation.
And that's when the calm facade dropped. I pulled Mr to one side and told him that we need to have sex TODAY.
Not an unreasonable request. Usually he'd be most happy to oblige. But the timing is really bad. We left the house at 730 this morning on a day trip to the wildlife park. We are staying at my parents tonight so will have to find a way of getting to bed early and doing the deed without waking no.1. And failure is not an option.
Typically this month, despite our renewed libidos, my chart doesn't look that great. We babydanced every day (sometimes twice) until a few days ago, when circumstances conspired to mean we have only managed every other day. If only this had happened a few days ago!
My temperature has been up and down through af and I am now have a sore throat which is going to make it hard to judge ovulation. To be honest I'm just tired of trying month after month. I used up the last of my opks and pregnancy tests last month and I've decided not to buy any more til October. I'll continue to temp and chart as normal, but I don't want to have to think about pregnant or not pregnant this month.
We seem to get just as good timing when we don't try hard as when we do anyway. Maybe we'll get some luck...
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(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
I think I ovulated yesterday. My temp has gone up a bit today, but not enough to feel certain, and of course I won't get any ff crosshairs for a couple of days yet.
I was feeling all confident but I've suddenly got lots of eggwhite cm, which makes me think we should be babydancing right now this minute... I'm at physio and Mr's picking up no.1 so that's neither practical or logical... but that's ttc for you...
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(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
3-6 months | 5% | |||||||
1 year | 80% | |||||||
2-3 years | 12% | |||||||
4 years or more | 0% | |||||||
IUI/IVF/ICSI only | 0% |
"Reproductive endocrinologists, the doctors specializing in infertility, will consider a couple infertile and eligible for treatment if:
"Alternatively, the NICE guidelines define infertility as failure to conceive after regular unprotected sexual intercourse for 2 years in the absence of known reproductive pathology"
- a woman under 35 has not conceived after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse. Twelve months is the lower reference limit for Time to Pregnancy (TTP) by the World Health Organization.
- a woman over 35 has not conceived after 6 months of contraceptive-free sexual intercourse."
(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
I appear to have stopped spotting again. Wish my body would make its mind up.
If I was logical about this I would be thinking it was over this month & already be moving ahead to next cycle - just my hormones playing cruel tricks. But I'm just not ready to give up on this one yet. Last pregnancy I had so many bleeds that spotting doesn't seem that strong a sign.
It's only a few hours now. I think I'll know one way or the other in the morning.
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(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |
(c) Pregnantish. All rights reserved. |