7 August 2011


No temperature rise yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating RIGHT NOW! I usually get a dip on the day of ovulation, so with the positive OPK 2 days ago, we're looking good.

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The only downside is that I couldn't have acupuncture yesterday. The roads were closed and a 4 hour round trip to get there just wasn't practical. I've rescheduled for next week. Hopefully it will still do some good in the luteal phase.

It sounds really stupid, but I'm really excited about that temperature rise happening this month. Our timing's pretty good, except for a blip yesterday, ovulation is early, and I've taken Floradix all month so the B6 should be helping too.

It's one of those months when you know you've done everything you can do. I'm feeling positive about a longer luteal phase this time so I don't plan to test until at least 13dpo and that takes some of the pressure off.


  1. Yay for you! I have my fx for you. Am 10dpo, so glad to have made it past my usual 8dpo lp - vit b6 definately working for me!
    Nice o dip you have there too, and good timing. Hope it's a quick 13 days for you and bfp at the end to celebrate!

  2. Oh wow! 10 days already? That's brilliant!! Fx for you too!

  3. Fx crossed for you lovely, hope this month is it for you x


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